Friday, 14 March 2014

Strength of the Mind

Your mind is your strength, safeguard it. I have a question,"Why Is Our Sectional Loyalty So Important To Us Than The National Unity?" According to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, it states that, WE the people of Nigeria, having firmly and solemnly resolved to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign nation under God dedicated to the promotion of inter African solidarity, world peace, international cooperation and understanding. It further states that, Nigeria shall be a state based on democracy and social justice. it was declared that, sovereignty belongs to the people from whom government through the constitution derives ALL its powers and authority. How come the declaration which was witnessed by all region is being violated? How come the said leaders who derived their TOTAL power from the people have no respect for the people? How come the people who should stand to defend themselves against oppression and violation are themselves keeping silent? Why is our sectional loyalty so important to us than the Collective Unity? We shall uphold the constitution, the social justice must be demanded, the people's power must be established, the indivisible and indissoluble Nigerian state must prevail. Your MIND is your power, safe guide it with passion. cleanse it from sentiments, and prejudice. Stand up for true national Unity.

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