Friday, 14 March 2014

Nigeria versus Ghana

This a piece by a concerned Nigeria about the Ghanaian recently economic war declaration again Nigerians doing business in Ghana. Read through and post your opinion. I do not want to conclude that there something hidden about the behavior of the Ghanaians to Nigerians, but this is becoming too often and uncalled for in most cases. several issues have been re ported from Ghana specifically against Nigerians, like banning marketers from distributing Nigeria Movie, giving Nigerian businessmen unfavorable conditions etc. Once again, The report reaching us here says Ghana has given Nigerian businessmen 1 week to leave Ghana. According to the report"The Ghanaian Parliament has a law which says that before you can do petty business in Ghana, you must deposit $300,000. Most of these Nigerian traders in Ghana, deal in small things, So for you to say bring $300,000 before you can set up a petty business, is a bit hypocritical. This has been discussed at the Presidential level."I remember when the Ghanaian President came here, we discussed it and he said: ‘no, it is not targeted at you and don’t worry about it.’ The Ghanaian Minister of Trade was even in Nigeria and assured that it was not targeted at Nigerians, that Nigerians are okay, but throughout last week, Nigerian traders have been given the directive to leave within the week.” These are people who have been doing their businesses in Ghana for several decades, all of a sudden, the Ghanaian government feel its time to say goodbye. if not, when did Nigeria became a foreign investor in Ghana? is the not meant for foreign investors? Despite the assurance of the Ghana president that Nigerians are not affected with the said policy, they went ahead to give us 1 week notice to quit. Not even the president can honor his words. What a shame This is not a good move, not for Ghana, not for Nigeria and even not for Africa. Nigeria has played a huge role in the unity of this continent, we are our brothers keepers. We leave our comfort to comfort others, but it seems others don't feel the same.

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