Thursday, 20 March 2014

British pop Adele encourages homonsexuality

British pop star Adele has won several Grammy Awards for her incredible music but in an ironic twist, doctor from Texas believes all the music the star does enhances s*x within gay communities. Retired Doctor John Smid, host of ‘Cure Me I’m Gay’ on a Texas TV channel, suggested a 37 year old gay named Jessen should listen more of gospel or Christian music as one of the test therapies to cure homosexuality across America. Apparently the Rumour Has It singer is on the list which men should avoid if they really want to remain straight! Smid also claims Adele’s music CDs sell the most within the gay communities. After all said by the doctor, Jessen mentioned that he’s astounded that in this day and age people like Dr. Smid still think that being gay is a curable condition and that it’s a load of utter rubbish! Now it seems we are no longer fighting the battle of gay being right or wrong; we now fight to cure it..

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