Friday, 14 March 2014

Nigeria as the giant of Africa

Many people keep asking why Nigeria is the giant of Africa, some even say we are not worth to be the giant of Africa, some keep asking on what basis did we become the giant. Sequel to your concern and question is here below: 1. Nigeria has the best and biggest movie industry in Africa and top in the world. 2. Most populous country in Africa with 150 million people. 3. We have the best musical artists in Africa, 2face, Dband, PSquare etc. 4. At 125 trillion cubic feet (TCF), the world's 7th largest gas reserves after Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United States, Algeria and Venezuela. 5. 9th most populous country in the world after China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and Bangladesh. 6. The African most successful football nation on international stage 7. Africa's 2nd largest economy with an annual GDP of $370 billion. 8. Nigeria has the best students in every part of the world 9. Africa's largest oil and gas exporter. 10. Africa's largest university educated population of approximately 30 million. 11. Africa's largest and most prosperous middle class of approximately 50 million. 12. Most extensive road network in Africa. 13. One of Africa's top 3 most powerful military forces. 14. Home to Lagos, the 6th largest urban center in the world after Tokyo, Mumbai, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, and New York City. 15. Nigeria is the only African country listed among the"Next Eleven"economies countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century. Source: 16. The economy of Nigeria is the 4th fastest growing in the world, with the International Monetary Fund projecting a growth of 9% in 2008 and 8.3% in 2009. The IMF further projects a 8% growth in the Nigerian economy in 2011. ( Figure now revised to 8.9%). Source: 17. Nigeria has one of the fastest growing telecommunications markets in the world, major emerging market operators (like MTN, Etisalat, Zain and Globacom) basing their largest and most profitable centres in the country. 18. The government has recently begun expanding this infrastructure to space based communications. 19. Nigeria has a space satellite which is monitored at the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency Headquarters in Abuja. Source: 20. Nigeria is the first and ONLY black country to manufacture motor vehicles including cars, buses, trucks, and suvs. Read more: Innoson Vehicle 21. 17th Aug 2011 Nigeria launched the world's first black-built satellite. 22. NATION LAUNCHES FIRST SATELLITE BUILT BY AFRICANS. Nigeria successfully launched NigeriaSatX, the first satellite to be designed and built by Africans, into orbit. NigeriaSatX was launched along with another small satellite, NigeriaSat2, from Yasny in southern Russia.''Source: Middle East North Africa Financial Network: LIVE REAL TIME SATELLITE TRACKING AND PREDICTIONS: PROSPERO (BLACK ARROW) 23. Nigeria World's fastest growing Construction Industry: 24. ''Construction growth in Nigeria will be the fastest of all markets, according to the latest 10year forecast from Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics. 25. The new study says China will overtake the US as the world's biggest construction market by 2018, but that the fastest growth will happen in Nigeria.'' 26. ''Africa’s second biggest economy is poised to lead world growth in construction for next decade.''Sources: and 27. fatherly role Nigeria plays in African politics (AU and ECOWAS). 28. There is also this psychology among non-Nigerian Africans (esp. black) that look at Nigeria/Nigerians with awe and reverence, even if they tend to exhibit reverse psychology to cover this. 29. Only Nigeria can another country's top Musician (Ghana) sit down and compose song about. 30. Only Nigeria in Africa, the Russian university student sing and wished they are like. 31. Nigeria is also the entertainment capital of Africa (Nollywood, music stars etc). 32. we stand d pain and survive under any weather, we re hard working and self confident. We played major role in ensuring the independent of many African countries. 33. We ensure peace in Africa. Still

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