Every month the Federal Reserve System of America prints out 53 billion US dollars into the money markets which benefits two groups of special interest. Wall Street and the banks at home and abroad are only people making massive amounts of money while charging the American Public interest on their loans instead of absorbing it themselves. This is know as " fractal banking " and is used by every bank in America.
Thus, for every month that goes by weakens the US dollar further and further. One day the dollar will not be worth the paper it's printed on. The US dollar is also the universal currency. To be totally clear, I will explain further.
In 1944, The Brenton Woods Agreement was put together resulting in the placement of the US dollar as the universal currency for the entire world. We had the power, so we exercised it and now when any country bought or traded goods, it would be done in US dollars.
US dollars went out, and foreign goods and services came in. As a result, the US got very rich in the process. In 1971, Richard Nixon made a deal with the Saudis that all countries would use US dollars to purchase oil.
This marked the beginning of what is known as the "Petrodollar System". Money goes out for oil, and goods and services are exchanged with any extra profits recycled back to the Federal Reserve in the form of Treasury bonds.
What a racket. This is nothing short of organized crime and we as a people don't have to take this if we properly organized ourselves. They did and look what they're doing.
They make money on us coming and going,yet they still tax us to the point where if you don't pay the IRS, they will take your home, your property, and your dignity. One day, they will pay dearly for the choices they've made regarding US citizens.
So get this, the Federal Reserve System of America must print out this money every month to line the pockets of Wall Street, and to keep the Petrodollar cycle going.
That is why we're overseas fighting wars in areas that are over some of the richest oil fields in the world. We must control the oilfields of the region to keep special oil interest rolling in profits for wall street and the oil barons of the world. Anyone who gets in their way, will pay with their lives.
If at any time any foreign country stops buying oil with US dollars, or decides to try to change the present petrodollar system, that country will face the US military opening up a can of democracy on their asses.
So, it is up to us as US citizens to take massive action to defuse these banksters by taking our money out of big banks and putting our money into local credit unions that invest locally and not in any foreign money markets.
It's also our responsibility to try to keep up with inflation by taking massive action. We may have to step out of our comfort zone to make it happen, but this a must do thing. If you would like to learn a better way toward making an income that you are worth, Copy and paste the link in the description above. I can help you, but you have to take the first step.
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