Saturday, 15 March 2014

Drug Abuse and control

Drugs are the medicine we take when we are ill. They help us get well quickly. Sometimes, some people take drugs to change the way their brains work. We, therefore, describe drugs as substances that cause physical or mental changes in the body. Drugs that can be produced, sold and used legally are called licit drugs. Some examples are synthetic drugs made in factories either in tablet, syrup, liquid or powder forms. Others are drugs from natural sources like herbs, juices from trees or fruits of trees, shrubs, roots, lemon grass, pawpaw leaves. These are not processed in factories, but they are known by our parents, and have been used over and over again to cure or prevent illness. Drugs that are not permitted by the law are illicit drugs. Examples are cocaine, heroin, marijuana (Indian hemp) and so on. When licit drug is taken in excess or without prescription by a qualified doctor or pharmacist, it is abused. Illicit drugs, which are mainly mind-altering substances, are used to alter a person’s state of mind or consciousness. Forms of drug abuse: Substances other than food that affect the chemistry and functions of the body thereby causing abnormal changes in behaviour includes: cocaine, heroin, marijuana (Indian hemp), various pain killers e.g. Panadol. When we are guilty of drug abuse, it means we have: i.Taken drugs which isn’t recommended by a physician; ii.Taking expired drugs; iii.Taking drugs that isn’t recommended for our health; iv.Taking drugs that is less or more than the required dosage. Reasons why people abuse drugs: The six main reasons why people abuse drugs are: a.Some see it as a form of relaxation. b.Some use it as an escape from frustration or emotional stress. c.Some want to show they are matured to do many things. d.Some people want to imitate what their peer group does so as o belong. e.Some believe drugs can make you feel bolder than he/she is by nature. f.As a result of neglect by parents for a reason or the other. Consequences of drug abuse: i.On individuals Drug abuse is one of the greatest damage one can do to oneself. Those who indulge in it: a)Perform poorly in school. b)Are never thorough in what they do because they are no longer balanced mentally. c)Lie, cheat and steal (to get money to buy more drugs); d)Make friends and family to avoid them because they can cause bodily harm to people without notice. e)Fear and suspect other people. ii.On the community a)Drugs do a lot of damage to the body and, therefore, to health. Pregnant women who are drug addicts could have miscarriage or give birth to babies that are malformed. b)There would be an increase in health problems in the community. c)Many people who are drug addicts get rusticated from their various institution and end up in crime related offences. iii.On the nation a)The nation would have to spend more money on security to protect lives and property of innocent citizens. b)The nation will spend more money on health of those who misbehaves and indulge in drug abuse. c)The nation loses the contribution of those set of people to development. iv.On the international community a)Drug addicts force people to do bad things. b)Countries where these people come from are marked down and rated badly in the comity of nations. c)They cause international fear, disturb the peace of the world, and make nations spend money which should have been gone to development programmes on security and defence. Ways of discouraging drug abuse: a)The first and major measure is education. The citizenry must be enlighten about the dangers of drug abuse. b)Avoid peer pressure from their peers. c)Parents should monitor their children and the type of friends they keep. d)Family should avoid divorce which leads to broken homes and leaves the children uncared for. e)Government should ban the use and sale of illicit drugs and punish offenders. f)Victims of drug abuse should go or rehabilitation.

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