Internet has affected virtually every aspect of human lives. But the increasing way at which teenagers immerse themselves in this trend has brought up new challenges, especially for parents who will have to keep up with the constantly changing internet/mobile technology and its lingua – Parenting has never been this difficult.
Imagine this scenario, your daughter is sitting beside you on the coach and she's sex texting without you having a inkling of what she's doing – even when you can view her SMS. Would you be able to interpret this message if she writes, I'll GNOC as soon as 99. (see our list for its meaning)
Therefore, parents need to get acquainted with the language used by their children to be able to succeed at parenting, particularly, in our climes where good family names are held in high esteem.
Here, we present to you a list by CNN's correspondent, Kelly Wallace, who compiled popular acronyms widely used by teens on Internet,social media and texting apps.
Read the list, it will redefine how you monitor your teen's conversations with his/her peers.
IWSN - I want sex now
GNOC- Get naked on camera
NIFOC- Naked in front of computer
PIR- Parent in room
5 CU46 - See you for sex
53X- Sex
9- Parent watching
99 -Parent gone
1174′- Party meeting place
THOT- That hoe over there
CID- Acid (the drug)
Broken- Hungover from alcohol
420- Marijuana
POS- Parent over shoulder
SUGARPIC- Suggestive or erotic photo
KOTL- Kiss on the lips
(L)MIRL- Let's meet in real life
PRON- Porn
TDTM- Talk dirty to me
8 -Oral sex
CD9 -Parents around/Code 9
IPN- I'm posting naked
LH6- Let's have sex
WTTP- Want to trade pictures?
DOC- Drug of choice
TWD- Texting while driving
GYPO- Get your pants off
KPC- Keeping parents clueless
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