Tuesday, 16 April 2013

The Philosophy of the Christians: Anthropocentrism

Greek thought is mainly Cosmo-centric: man and cosmos are always correlated rather than sharply differentiated, the reason bein that both possess life and soul. Man is not the highest being in the cosmos as Aristotle witness: "man is not the best thing in the world....for there are other things much more divine in their nastier even than man, for example, most conspicuously, the bodies of which the heavens are framed."(Nic. Eth. VI, 7, 1141a 23, 1141b 1). According to biblical thought, instead, man is at the centre of the world and the highest creature, the reason being that "God created him in his image; in the divine image he created him" (Gen. 1:27; Ps. 8). Thus for the Bible, everything in the world together with history is centred on man.

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