Learning and Teaching should be Inclusive and Enjoyable:
The Learning Environment
The Learning Environment
For education in school to be effective, the environment needs to be conducive to learning, allowing the pupils space and time to interact within the learning and teaching process. Creating and maintaining stimulating learning environments can be achieved through effective classroom organisation, interactive and whole school displays and a climate of innovation.
Points Arising from Research
The best learning environment is one of high challenge and low stress
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Ritualised and patterned positive teacher behaviour influences performance
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Constant and varied exposure to new material encourages quicker and deeper learning
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Differentiated structures are necessary for effective individualised learning
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Constant and varied exposure to new material encourages quicker and deeper learning
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Music can be used to improve recall as well as create the chosen learning environment
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Incorporate a range of teaching strategies within planning
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Ensure resources are appropriate, accessible, identifiable and relevant to children’s learning needs
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Environment should support pupils to become independent and active learners
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Adopt a collaborative approach when planning for children’s needs
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Good visual display can improve recall and attention by up to 80%
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Equal opportunities form an integral part of the formal and informal curriculum
Key Elements of the Learning Environment
The visual environment:
Whole school display linked to theme, which supports a planned set of values of the whole school community
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Good learning and teaching displays in classrooms and corridors reflecting a broad and balanced curriculum which is well matched to the needs of the pupils
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Displays include a variety of languages and scripts, positive images of minority groups and positive role models for all pupils and staff
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Teaching resources and displays reflecting the multi-cultural and social diverse nature of local and wider communities
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Provide opportunities for pupils to interact with a culturally and socially diverse range of people e.g. through visits, visitors, pen friends, exchanges
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Litter, graffiti or vandalism
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Good development of school grounds
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Tidy staff room and offices
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A planned programme of improvements to the school environment
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Purposefully organised classrooms
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Up to date ICT is accessible
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Staff take on responsibilities for areas of the school
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Develop citizenship
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Use intervention strategies e.g. ’circle time’, ’schools’ councils’, ’pupils’ courts’ and ’mediation’
The external environment:
Use visual display around the room to highlight key topics, key words, and key concepts
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Use visual display to tell the story of the topic which is being studied
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Ensure visual display provides a good balance of images, symbols, pictures, colour and text
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Paint games on playground surfaces
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Purchase games equipment, which encourages physical activity and co-operative play
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Train playground supervisors in new playground games and the imaginative and safe use of playground equipment
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Plant bulbs, trees and sensory gardens
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Increase the provision of litter and recycling bins
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Install benches and tables
The internal environment:
Display more pupils’ work in public areas and classrooms
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Pupils know where material, equipment and other learning resources are kept
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Renovate toilets and shower blocks (e.g. fixing locks on doors, improving lighting and ventilation)
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Better checking systems for toilets (e.g. ensuring soap and paper are available)
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Locate water-drinking stations
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Paint murals
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Redecorate areas in bright colours
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Carpet classrooms and corridors
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Relocate coat racks and ensure ‘easy stowing’ systems for shoes
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Fit blinds in ’sun trap’ rooms
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Create health notice boards
could be useful.
Brighouse, T. & Woods. D, (1999) How to improve your school Routledge & Farmer
Brighouse, T. & Woods. D, (1999) How to improve your school Routledge & Farmer
Moseley. J. (1995) Turn Your School Around Cambridge: LDA
SCCC (1996) Teaching for Effective Learning Dundee: SCC
Smith, A. (19
Smith, A. (19
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